Rules and Regulations

School Uniform 

Grade One to Ten

  • White Shirts (with blue stripes)

  • Gray Trousers /  Skirts

  • Navy Blue Pullover (Grade I to  V)

  • Navy Blue Blazer (Grade VI to X)

  • Black Leather Shoes

  • Grey Socks

  • School Scarf (Grade I to V)

  • School Tie (Grade VI to X)

  • School Belt

  • House Uniform with White Canvas Shoes & Socks (Grade I to VIII)


  • A minimum of 85% attendance is required to be eligible to sit  for the final examination. 

  • In case of absence, guardians are required to contact the respective level In-charges. 

  • Institute uniform is a must. Students without proper uniforms will not be allowed to enter the Institute. 

  • The shape, size and standard of the uniform must be according to the Institute’s requirement. 

  • Institute uniforms must be neat, tidy and well pressed. 

  • Discipline and character are two most important aspects to lay the foundation of a student’s personality; hence, students must  maintain discipline in and out of the Institute. Students should not indulge in any activity which would have adverse effects on  them as well as damage the Institute’s image. 

  • Students must keep their classrooms and the Institute premises neat and tidy. 

  • Students are obliged to be attentive in class and cooperate with  the teachers to maintain a perfect class atmosphere. 

  • Students must not leave the classrooms except during breaks. 

  • Students are obliged to do their class and home assignments  regularly. 

  • Students found damaging Institute furniture, bus or any other  property will be expelled without any prenotification. 

  • Writing on the walls is not tolerated. 

  • Smoking and drug addiction, in or outside the Institute premises, will be subject to expulsion. 

  • Students must carry their identity cards regularly. 

  • Outsiders will not be permitted to get into the Institute premises without prior appointment. 

  • Guardians must see that their wards attend the Institute regularly. They are advised to visit the Institute from time to time and inquire about their ward’s performance. 

  • Guardians are requested to make an effort to bring up the academic standard of their wards by taking proper care at home.

  • Bus riders must carry their Bus-Passes regularly. Students found using the bus facility without paying the fare will be charged for the whole year. 

  • Institute Fees and Bus fare (if bus is used) must be cleared in advance on or before 15th of each month of Nepali calendar.