Activities with China

Chinese Language Classes (1999-2000)

Under the supervision of Dr. Sarbottam Shrestha and Mrs. Himshila Shrestha, the Institute conducted basic Mandarin language classes for both students and teachers from 1999 to 2000 A.D. We believe, given the present global context, it is fundamental for students to develop basic communication skills in Mandarin. Moreover, from a...


MoU with Wuhan University

Wuhan University, one of the most recognized government universities  of the People's Republic of China, has been offering admission to our students  in different faculties (namely Medicine, Engineering and Management), with  special consideration in tuition as well as accommodation fees under our  recommendation.  A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two...


Experiencing China (2011 A.D.)

A group of nine high-school students of our Institute, all  from various ethnic backgrounds, was selected for a 10-day trip to China in  September, 2011. The trip led by Act. Campus Chief, Mr. Manu Raja Shakya  was organized by China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC)  under the recommendation of...


Foundation Laying Program (2012)

As part of the promising friendship between the two countries, the  Embassy of China offered to help our Institute by agreeing to construct a  building equipped with modern facilities in our campus premises. Thus, in an  official program held in our campus in 2012, the former ambassador to Nepal,  His...


Teachers' Visit to China (2000 A.D. onwards)

Over the course of almost two decades, the Institution has been  organizing trips for our teachers to visit different parts of China. The purpose  of the trip was to help our teachers understand how culturally vibrant yet  technologically sophisticated the country is. The two most famous cities,  Beijing and Shanghai,...


Felicitation Program on Pragya Diwas (2012)

Pragya Diwas 2069 was held in 2012 in our school premises. Nepal's  First President, Honorable Dr. Ram Baran Yadav took time from his busy  schedule to visit our Institute to light up this auspicious event. The event was  held to felicitate teaching and non-teaching staff, who had served the  Institute...


Principal's Visit to China (2016)

The Principal of this Institute was invited to participate in a program  organized by China Culture Center in September, 2016. The program was  titled "Cultural Partner Program of Overseas China Culture Centers" whereby  invitees included bureaucrats from over 15 countries covering 3 different  continents.   The program was put in order to...


Visit to Qingdao Electronic School, Qingdao (2017)

The Institute's Principal, Mr. Rupak Rajbanshi, along with his team  was invited to Qingdao to visit Qingdao Electronic School, a school  renowned for its technical and electronic excellence. The institutions signed  an MoU in 2016 to bring the aforementioned courses to Nepal.   The course is designed for the students who seek...


Internship program for Hotel Management students, Sichuan (2017)

As part of our growing links with the Chinese Universities, we have  recently tiied up an agreement with universities from Sichuan province.  Hotel Management students who have completed their N.E.B examination  will have the opportunity to undertake a year-long paid internship program  at one of the reputed hotels located in...


Contributions of Dr. Sarbottam Shrestha and Mrs. Himshila Shrestha

Dr. Sarbottam Shrestha, a Vanasthali alumnus, and Mrs. Himshila  Shrestha have been immense in serving this Institute through various  developmental projects as well as helping the financially-deprived students  through scholarship programs. An unyielding bridge that connects our  Institute to the neighbors in the North and beyond, we are profoundly  grateful...


China Quiz Contest

More recently, in June 2023, an Inter-School China Quiz Contest was held in our institute. The Embassy of China co-sponsored the event and we were extremely honored to have His Excellency, Mr. Chen Song as the chief guest of the event.
