SVI, the journey..

Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute is still widely known by its original name ‘Vanasthali’ though its nomenclature and the whole look have changed. If not all, the first name Vanasthali now occupies the second place even in the changed context. Vanasthali Vidhyashram was founded jointly in 1951 AD by late Prof. Bhuwan Lal Joshi and an educationalist late Honorable Vijaynandan Joshi. The school was housed in a two storied mud building with tiled roof at Balaju, six kilometers from downtown Kathmandu. The first batch of students came from the founders’ family and was subsequently followed by the children of  the neighborhood. Classroom size grew gradually, though school education  was considered to be a privilege of the wealthy people. 

To open a school itself was a formidable task in those days when less than 1% people were literate in Nepal and the Rana autocracy was hostile to any academic activities. In spite of all kinds of harassment, the late founders were not to be daunted. But late Mr. Bhuwan Lal Joshi’s quest for knowledge made him go for universities in the USA where he studied varied faculties of knowledge and became a professor later. In a short time, his versatile personality  won accolades, fame and love in the world of men of letters. He passed away quietly. Another founder, late Honorable Vijayanandan Joshi, a pedant and born-teacher remained a source of inspiration to fight the multifarious problems that the school had been confronted with. However, he passed away battling various health issues. The school was virtually crippled by their demise. Thus, the school was left at the mercy of the amateurs. Parents were skeptical about the ability and experience of the new leadership. Thus, the number of students went down to a margin.

The Government came to its rescue from its immature death by offering financial  and manpower support. Undoubtedly, the government’s assistance helped to  prolong the life of the school but it had lost its vitality as well as the will to survive on its own. The new Education System Plan came into effect in 1973. Another sick school, Siddhartha English Boarding School merged with Vanasthali Vidhyashram and it was renamed by joining the first names from each of them: Siddhartha Vanasthali Secondary School. The amalgamation brought about nothing new but a new long name. The old guards of Vanasthali Vidhyashram were chased away one after another. Struggle for survival was revitalized by appointing a new headmaster. But in three months, he too was chased away by the students and his opposers. The coming and going of the new headmasters and the teachers had been a usual phenomenon of the school. 

Such a trend continued till the 12th successor, Mr. Laxman Rajbanshi took over the school management in July 1973. He was threatened by the demoralizing situation in his own empire and hostile creditors outside. He was overburdened by the public debt of Rs. 36000 in addition to three months of unpaid staff salary. He mortgaged his personal image, peace and happiness to battle through this crisis. There was a lack of everything - teachers, furniture, class-room, stationery, etc. Above all, there was the lack  of moral courage among his colleagues. Besides financial problems, the academic standard was too frustrating to attract the talented students, which precipitated the situation. It was feared that the dilapidated school building would remain like a haunted house and would be deserted by the remaining children (78) in no time. Before it happened, the century’s old building was pulled down to the earth by the devastating monsoon rain and storm. The heightening of the teachers’ morale was the most difficult task the school was confronted with. 

A new scheme had been worked out in order to win over the support of the parents. Intelligent as well as poor students’ scholarship, financial incentives to the teachers and several other benefits were offered to revive the moribund condition of the teachers. The untiring efforts compounded with hard labor of all teaching staff, a new image of the school emerged into light. In two years time (1975), all the debt was cleared and students were successfully placed in the merit  list in the nationally controlled School Graduation Examination (SLC). To some extent, the result regained the lost prestige. New students began to pour in every year. Number of students rose considerably from class one to ten within 12 years and the teachers’ number too swelled up. In order to maintain its reputation as the topmost school on the basis of its SLC result, curricular activities and physical facilities were substantially improved. Moreover, the management gradually went on cutting down the number of students up to the manageable size. With the opening of tertiary level classes (XI and XII) and 3-Year Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies (BBS), it was again renamed SIDDHARTHA VANASTHALI  INSTITUTE. 

In recognition of the most commendable contribution to the development of the school into a full fledged Institute, Mr. Laxman Rajbanshi, an educationist in Nepal, has been honored for life as the Founder of Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute. In recognition to Mr. Laxman Rajbanshi’s contribution to the development of overall education system  in Nepal and his outstanding service to the Institute in particular, he has been recognized by awarding him with Gorkha Dakshin Bahu 4th class, Trishakti Patta 4th  class, Gorkha Dakshin Bahu 3rd class, Trishakti Patta 3rd class, Gorkha Daskhin Bahu 2nd class and a National Education Award along with a Certificate of Appreciation by the Ministry of Education. He was an Advisor to the Minister of Education, Culture and  General Administration in 1990. He has engaged himself in developing a viable education system in Nepal as one of the members of the National Education Commission. He will remain a source of inspiration to the teaching community as well as the symbol of the  Institution.


Message From Founder

Late. Laxman Rajbanshi

We feel proud that our Institution has been recognized and admired by the unbiased civilized societies in and out of the national boundary as one of the vanguards of quality, justice and integrity. More than twelve thousand students have already been graduated from this Institute and many of these graduates have been able to set outstanding records in different universities in and abroad. Their modesty in dealing but dynamism in practice, efficiency in action and professional integrity are highly acclaimed in business organization, banking, insurance companies, hotel and tourism management, technical fields like medicine, engineering and bureaucracy as well. This Institute humbly submits its wide experiences, glorious achievements, material possession and the moral strength to the scholars who are willing to harness the potentialities of men and nature in favour of humanity. This Institute is being run and managed by a Trust belonging to none of the individual or a group of individuals but the entire academic world. That is why it is open to all innovating and inquisitive minds who have guts to explore the truth, the power of knowledge and the subtlety of wisdom. Again, the Institution knows very well that every bunch of new group of students is a challenge as well as an opportunity for both the professionally well prepared and dedicated teachers as well as the management personnel. Hence, we invite the students to try out whether or not Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute can withstand the ever changing weather in the world of education.


Message From Principal

Rupak Rajbanshi

Dear parents,

Your family is about to embark on a wonderful and exciting journey. Let us work hand-in-hand to create an amicable ambience environment worthy of educating our children. Our Institute’s motto 'Knowledge is Power' sums up the ethos and commitment of all the staff to stimulate the potential of every child.

Success of all students is ensured by the delivery of an enriching and structural curriculum. Our institute puts huge emphasis on student prosperity that centers on the positive recognition of student achievements. All students are taught the skills and values necessary for success in education, life and work. They leave SVI as calculative and well-educated citizens who bear the capability, confidence and determination to make a noteworthy contribution to our society.

Our institute is enriched by the presence of ever-so supportive parents and local community and we encourage you to become actively involved in all aspects of your childrens’ education. We are forever proud of our history, our values, and our outstanding high standards achieved by our students.

We believe you have a long, happy and rewarding association with Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute. We look forward to working together with you in developing a productive and supportive partnership in molding your child’s future.

Thank you.

Mission & Vision

"Knowledge is Power"